Historia corta

I was born woman, I was born female, I was born mammal. With the intrinsic condition of knowing how to give birth.
Give birth in freedom, give birth with love and security, give birth in peace. In my nest. No time, no rules, no conditions.
Give birth without fear.
Giving birth is a sacred act and deserves all respect. It deserves silence. It deserves conscience. It’s a moment of retreat, of intimacy.
For this reason, my decision to give birth in a place with clean energy is crear. And, from here, I wanted to thank all the people who contribute their grain to create an increasingly conscious world.

Regaining power over childbirth

por Cristina Amo

  • 2.300

    Objetivo de financiación
  • 115

    Fondos recaudados
  • 0

    Días para llegar
  • Fecha del objetivo

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Tsikhidziri, Georgia

Cristina Amo

3 Campañas | 0 Campañas que te gustan

Ver biografía completa

Historia de la campaña

We are Dima, the father of the being who is about to arrive in this world, he comes from Belarus; Boli, our faithful dog companion I met in Chile and I, Cris, a first-time mom who trusts in life.

We are fully grateful for this divine gift that has come into our lives. Conceived on a magical Black Sea beach where our paths crossed, the place where we have lived for a year. In full contact with nature, with the strength of the sea and storms, with the power of the sun. Cooking on fire. Sleeping under the moon and stars, passionately building our bamboo roof.

Now we live very close to that beach, but in a very cozy house that some people have given us to spend the winter and be more focused on having a conscious, happy and safe pregnancy.

We share this project because our economy is not stable. We are travelers, and we are dedicated to giving meditation sessions with free singing, most times in an altruistic way. We usually live very simply, consuming enough to live. However, with the arrival of this new being we would like to feel a little more confident in the economic issue. This experience has been lived in Georgia, a place far from our families where, in addition, health care is paid and home deliveries are not normalized at all.

In addition, after the birth we would like to be able to return to Spain so that our family can meet the new member. With all this pandemic situation, the wait is getting hard and long. Hugs, kisses, tears and smiles await us.

This is our little big story, thanks for reading us. If anyone is interested in details or wants to know more can contact us by email: cristinaamogonzalez@gmail.com.

Love and peace.


10 - 49

Concert for everyone who contributes something, regardless of the amount. The concert would be on the beach where we live overlooking the sea.

La campaña está completa.
1 patrocinadores

50 - 74

Exchange of experiences. Possibility to talk about any topic in life, philosophical or not, and to be able to have another person's perspective. Their point of view through personal experiences.

La campaña está completa.
2 patrocinadores

75 - 99

Only in Spanish
- LlumdeLluna: 25% descuento en los cursos on line (Un hogar sin tóxicos, jarabes naturales, autoconocimiento cíclico, monográfico pasta de dientes eco-natural…)
- Artemisa: 25% descuento taller on line Ginecología Natural o 25% descuento ginecología autogestiva
- RuscCus: 10% descuento en Compresas Tela
- Mandragora: 15% descuento en los productos de cosmética natural
- Nathalie: 50% de descuento para las dos primeras clases online (zoom) de yoga

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

100 - 129

View of Tsikhidziri. We can show you this wonderful and beautiful corner of the planet live. We can take you through the bamboo and eucalyptus forests, along the Black Sea coast, through the lively mountains. We can follow your directions, take you wherever you decide. Like in a video game, but live.

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

130 - 149

Only in Spanish
- Eva Masó Rovira: a elegir entre 50% descuentos en consulta de Proyecto Sentido o 50% descuento en consulta Barras de Access (sólo presencial) o 20% descuento en 1ª consulta Biodescodificación
- Caio Melo: Consulta online gratuita
- Máximo Peña: Consulta gratuita

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

150 - 249

Meditation singing sessions. Exploring life through your own sound. Facebook profile: @prayer.new.age.meditation.singing

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

250 o más

Anabel Reyes: 1 hour of online business coaching: whether you have your business up and running or just an idea in your head.

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores
Nombre Cantidad de la donación Fecha
SABA JAVAKHISHVILI 50 April 21, 2022
Rinalda Benech 50 April 13, 2022
Ketevan Midelashvili 15 January 23, 2022