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An arrival on this side of life, with respect, silence, darkness, listening, softness and contact. In privacy. In family. With a respectful and sensitive accompaniment.

Life · a miracle in balance ·

por Paramaparto Admin

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Cardedeu, Barcelona, España

Paramaparto Admin

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We are Rosa and Dominik and our baby has been growing for six months. We want to prepare its arrival in a private atmosphere, with love and care, respecting the force of life. A few years ago, Rosa accompanied the home birth of a friend’s daughter. “I read a lot about birth at home. Living the experience of the birth of my friend’s daughter confirmed me everything I had read, I said to myself: “That’s it, that’s how it should be. How could it be different?”

It was an intimate, silent experience, in penumbra, natural as life itself, if we allowed it to make its way. I already was touched at that time by the idea of a home birth. Now, after looking forward to be a mother for some years, it’s a life experience I want to live and share with my partner and our child.” We wish to offer our child an arrival on this side of life, with respect, silence, penumbra, listening, softness and contact. Intimacy. In family. With a respectful and sensitive accompaniment. Birth is a very important and valuable experience that leaves its influence on the whole life of the child. As Michael Odent tells us, ‘If we want to change the way of living, we have to change the way we are born’, and we understand this as: if we want to live with healthy bonds, respect, care and love, then we have to be born and accompanied throughout our childhood and adolescence in the same way. Already more than 70 years ago Consuelo Ruiz Vélez-Frias said that birth is a physiological function, like digestion.

That the woman is fully qualified to give birth. It requires feeling safe, well-accompanied and being in an environment that foments her process and the child. Hospitals can be an important medium if there are complications, emergency interventions or medication is required. After we knew the pregnancy is going well and that the baby is growing and moving vigorously, we started searching for midwives and birth houses. Finally, we will be accompanied by the care, the knowledge and the team Migjorn Birthouse.

We had made an economic planning and found that budgets are higher than we had expected. As you may know, neither in Catalonia nor in Spain, the health care system financially supports house birthing, even though it represents a lower expense than the cost of giving birth in a hospital. In other countries such as Holland, England, etc… the costs a house-birthing entails, are borne by the health system. We get to know Paramaparto through Migjorn and so through them, we ask you to support and cooperate with our house birthing, which is so important to us. Both Dominik and Rosa are professionally engaged in Dance and Body-centred Psychotherapy. Sensitivity, body awareness from a holistic point of view, and the natural physiological life functions are important to us. We want to share a dance video with you we both created in April 2020 with you. Celebrating the most powerful life force we know: love. And it’s from our love that we received our child and it is our desire to share our life with him/her.

Thank you all. LIFE · a miracle in balance ·


20 - 49

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

50 - 74

- RuscCus: 10% descuento en Compresas Tela
- LlumdeLluna: 15% descuento en productos de cosmética natural
- Mandragora: 15% descuento en los productos de cosmética natural
- Nathalie: 50% de descuento para las dos primeras clases online (zoom) de yoga

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0 patrocinadores

75 - 99

- LlumdeLluna: 25% descuento en los cursos on line (Un hogar sin tóxicos, jarabes naturales, autoconocimiento cíclico, monográfico pasta de dientes eco-natural…)
- Artemisa: 25% descuento taller on line Ginecología Natural o 25% descuento ginecología autogestiva

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

100 - 149

- Eva Masó Rovira: a elegir entre 50% descuentos en consulta de Proyecto Sentido o 50% descuento en consulta Barras de Access (sólo presencial) o 20% descuento en 1ª consulta Biodescodificación
- Caio Melo: Consulta online gratuita
- Máximo Peña: Consulta gratuita

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

150 - 249

Caio de Melo: a elegir entre 30% de descuento en pack de 10 sesiones online para trabajar las influencias del guión de nacimiento en la vida actual (preconcepción, concepción, embarazo, parto, lactancia y 3 primeros años de vida) o 30% de descuento en formación online de Psicología del Desarrollo Humano.

La campaña está completa.
0 patrocinadores

250 o más

Anabel Reyes: 1 hora de coaching negocios online: tanto si tienes tu negocio funcionando como si es solo una idea que ronda tu cabeza.

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0 patrocinadores